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Ask your Gnome 3 more

>> 20 July 2011

So you have installed Fedora 15, with Gnome 3, with its "delightful and easy to use interface". The interface is really awesome, very soft for your eyes. You can navigate very quickly with your mouse. Yes it's great.

But wait, you have missed the minimize button, adding a custom launcher, add icons to Desktop, etc. You think for a moment, no. It's not for me !

I'm really glad to tell you that you are wrong. You'll have all the improvements added in Gnome 3, plus the old little things, you think, you have missed. And above all, all is easy to add and straight forward.

Let's go. In this tutor I'll show you how to add things missed in Gnome 3, I'll let you choose yourself how to tweak themes. I will not describe installing shell extensions.

There is a program that you must have, called gnome-tweak-tool. Available at Fedora's repository.

Install gnome-tweak-tool

Open a terminal and type:
su -c "yum install gnome-tweak-tool"

Start gnome-tweak-tool

A click on Applications, to display all available applications, go the searching field

Typing gnome in the searching field, let you see it with some other applications
Click on Tweak Advanced Settings

The Tweak Tool is opened
An application with a very simple and straightforward interface.

Enable adding icons to the Desktop

Click on File Manager, will show you some options
Buttons can be toggled ON and Off
Enable (put it on ON) Have file manager handle the desktop

This will allow you to add icons, custom launcher, document on the desktop

Right click on the desktop >  Create Launcher > add your custom launcher

I have added a launcher to my Eclipse
You can also Create a new folder, and a new document on the Desktop

Some other options in File Manager

In Interface

You can set Menus and/or Buttons to have icons
And change the used theme

In Shell

You can among other things:
Show the whole date
Add button to windows title bar

And here are all three buttons

You have to log out and log in, for buttons to appear in the title bar

You can go further in customization and select mouse button's actions

Hope that you find this tutor useful.

And enjoy your Gnome 3


Tom Callaway July 20, 2011 at 8:34 PM  

You don't need to login/logout, just restart GNOME Shell, hit "Alt-F2" and type "r".

Pieter July 20, 2011 at 8:48 PM  

That's very helpful, thanks! Gnome3 certainly has promise but I find the direction where the Gnome developers dumb down everything and take away (configuration) choices quite annoying. Maybe it takes time to get used to Gnome3 but in the mean time I would like to:

- put the date/time where *I* want it on the panel
- be able to add application launchers and applets to
the panel
- be able to also use the top right corner as hot spot
or whatever they call it
- be able to turn off the auto maximizing when a window
hits the top of the screen
- be able to disable the showing of logins in the gdm
login screen
- turn off all those silly sounds like the bump sound
when logging in

I doubt the Gnome developers will implement any of these but in case they read this, at least they now know how I, a very long time user, feel about Gnome3.

Keiran "Affix" Smith July 21, 2011 at 5:33 AM  

Instead of logging out it may be alot quicker to do

alt + F2 an type r [ENTER]

that will just restart gnome

okjavafx July 21, 2011 at 7:17 AM  

Thx all for the comments.

pingou July 21, 2011 at 8:27 AM  

- be able to also use the top right corner as hot spot
or whatever they call it

There is an extension in the repo for this ;-)

okjavafx July 21, 2011 at 10:14 AM  

Thx Pingou, for your answer :)

John (J5) Palmieri July 21, 2011 at 10:36 AM  

You can also just start typing once you are in the activities view. There is no need to click applications and focus the search tool.

Anonymous,  July 21, 2011 at 3:17 PM  

You don't need to click Applications then search for gnome-tweak-tool, just start typing as soon as the overlay opens.

And please, leave desktop icons off like is only sensible. What's on most people's desktops? Windows! Windows covering up the icons! So how are they useful to have there?

okjavafx July 21, 2011 at 3:53 PM  

Thx all, for your comments.
Sounds like a lot of people have read this post. Great :)

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